Thursday, April 28, 2011

Week 4 EOC: There's an App for that

After finding out that phone applications have reached the point to where you can pee on a device and it tells you whether or not you have an std, and which std it is, there truly is an app for that.  One idea for an app would be for fashion freaks, a customizable person where you can enter the brand/type of clothing items you have, and switch tops, bottoms, shoes, and even accessories such as hats and watches to see how it looks and how the color scheme works together.  I think people would like to see what items work together that are in their own wardrobe, that maybe they never though of putting together.  This way they could create multiple outfits out of the same clothing, instead of always having a certain shirt that goes with certain shoes.
                Another idea for an app is a breathalyzer.  You could have a device that plugs into your USB in your phone that allows you to blow into it and it shows your alcohol count.  Then, if your count is too high for  you to legally drive it would bring up a list of cab companies in your area and how much they would charge from your location to certain destinations.  I believe the pricing is very important because nobody wants to spend money on something when they don’t know exactly how much they’ll be spending.  This would have people make more conscious decisions when they see exactly how drunk they are, and how much it would cost to get home safely.
                Lastly, I would love to design an app that involves audio, which is my profession.  So being able to upload pluggins on your phone and messing with effects by recording sound on your built-in microphone.  This app wouldn’t necessarily be for a specific purpose, but would be great fun.  It would  be able to record and modify your voice would be great for people that want to get a quick idea of what something would sound like with the effects processor on it, and knowing the parameters of the settings, so they can save it and upload it at a later time when they’re at their work station

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